
If you’re looking for a greater flow and superior resistance for rigorous workouts, but want a compact size, then the ATV-14 Sport is for you! The 3 dual-speed pumps (160 GPM / 606 LPM) create a flow rate of 480 GPM / 1,817 LPM to deliver swim workouts and strength and rehab conditioning exercises with low-impact for better health and wellness. Twin-end tether points offer more workout options with and against the flow.

Size: 168.5in x 89.5in x 56in

Weight dry/full: 2140 lbs / 16526 lbs 971 kg / 7496 kg

Water depth: 48 in

Therapy seats:1 full depth, 1 cool down

Filtration: 2 - 90 square foot filters

Water capacity: 1725 gal 6529 liters

Skimmers: Integrated cover/LED lit

Insulation: Full foam

Swim tether kit: Included

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